News & Media

In addition to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram und Flickr, the construction of the Einstein-Elevators is shown here.

Most of the times the posts are marked with following hashtags: #EinsteinElevator, #microgravity, #hypogravity, #hypergravity, #weightlessness, #research, #droptower, #lineardrive, #HITec, #Hannover, #Schwerelosigkeit, #schwerelos, #Forschung, #Fallturm, #Linearmotor

Most of the times the posts are marked with following hashtags: #EinsteinElevator, #microgravity, #hypogravity, #hypergravity, #weightlessness, #research, #droptower, #lineardrive, #HITec, #Hannover, #Schwerelosigkeit, #schwerelos, #Forschung, #Fallturm, #Linearmotor

Einstein-Elevator in Wikipedia

Gallery of the construction of the Einstein-Elevator